Our Prices

The prices for our most popular kids party packages in Glasgow:

Average sized class parties in Glasgow start at £114 for 1 hour.   We also offer 90 minute and 2 hour parties. Events typically last 2 hours or 90 minutes for 4 year olds.

Party Type Price
60 Minutes £114
90 Minutes £154
2 Hours £174

*Please note – Travel fee will be added if out with Glasgow

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Use our quick online calculator to price up your next kids party.  Browse the various additions we offer to come up with a package to suit your needs.


Our Awards & Accreditations

Netmums voted our small team one of the “Best children’s entertainment companies”. We were equally thrilled to be labelled one of the “Best party entertainers in the UK” by The What’s on 4 Jr Awards. We are Bank of Scotland Enterprise Award finalists and are recognised by our local Chamber of Commerce as an “Outstanding performing Business”. The Chamber also put us forward for an “Excellence in Customer Service Award” as well as a “Best new service” Award.